Starfield is an Awesome Hero Experience

5 Ways Starfield provides a great experience that left a positive impression on me. And I’ve been playing role-playing games for years and years.

Oren Cohen


image: Bethesda.

If you haven’t played Starfield, this article will not include major spoilers but might spoil minor things. Read on whether you’re on the fence about playing this game.

Prefer to Watch? Here’s the video version on my YouTube Channel:

Let’s dive in!

You Have a Healthy Relationship With Your Parents

I know this point might not resonate with everyone. For me, who probably needs therapy thanks to my Orthodox Jewish father, this game made me feel seen.

You can have your parents around if you take this as a feat at character creation.

Your parents love you without any conditions. Well, there is one condition. Help them pay weekly rent in New Atlantis. If you stop paying rent, they will leave the…

