Member-only story
Maybe You Are Not As Whole and Healthy As You Thought?
There’s no shame in discovering that about yourself.
It’s midnight, well almost, and I’m sitting here writing a piece again.
All around there are empty Ferrero Rocher foils, an almost full bag of trash, an empty cup of coke zero, a small bowl with pistachio leftovers, books, empty bottles, and the list goes on and on.
my life is a mess.
There are days when I feel energetic. I’m vibrant to clean the house, get some tasks crossed off an imaginary to-do list (because I didn’t bother making one for weeks), and overall happy person.
And then there are days such as this one.
I’m choking. I feel like I’m underwater and life throws me deeper and deeper. All I can focus on is how little I get done, the dark circles under my eyes, my physical appearance and my bank account.
It’s exhausting.
My surroundings, my family, my circle of friends — none of them suggested to me that there is something wrong with me. Wait, let me rephrase that: nothing is wrong with my psychology — but everything happening to me is my fault.
While I do agree that I’m in control of my life sometimes all I want to do is sink into YouTube binges. I know…