Last time I checked, Ancient Israel existed since 1200-1300 BC:
You mention a rich and diverse history for Palestine. What is that history? Please, enlighten me. Where can I find information on the culture, the kings, the borders, or the government that existed in Palestine?
Let's assume you have answers - how does it feel when someone erases your entire history?
This is where we differ, you and I. You deny my people's right to live in this country. You don't talk about the occupied territories or even the Gaza Strip - you simply want me and my people gone.
You call us invaders, you question our roots, and you refuse to acknowledge that the Jewish people came from Judea - a prominent part of the occupied territories.
In stark contrast - most of the people in Israel accept that Palestinians have a right to the region as well as we do. Even as you call for "Itbah el yahud"
A fucking government that has multiple Arab ministers is materializing in these very moments in Israel.
People like you who refuse to listen or acknowledge that Israel is here to stay are the reason we don't have peace.
Rethink your priorities.