Member-only story
Can We Get The Neverwinter Nights Series Back, Please?
An Open Letter To Wizards of The Coast.
Hi, Wizards of the Coast!
My name is Oren Cohen, and I’m a big fan of your Neverwinter Nights series. I’m also the manager of the Facebook community called The Neverwinter Nights 3 Initiative, where we have come together to show that we want a revival or a continuation to the NWN series.
The last full game in the Neverwinter Nights series was released in 2006. It was called Neverwinter Nights 2, and I played it around 400 hours if I’m counting all of the characters I made in it. Yes, I’m aware of the MMORPG called Neverwinter, but it was never a continuation of the world I played in, invested so many hours on, and loved from the bottom of my heart.
I was 19 years old as I experienced that story. It opened the door for me to other games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, The Witcher series, and much more.
Neverwinter Nights ignited my love for RPG games.
Next month, it will be 11 years since Storm of Zehir was released. November 18, 2008. That was the last official content we received in the world of Neverwinter Nights.
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